
  • Jörg Guido Hülsmann




Abstract: Thirty years ago, socialism seemed to be a closed chapter when the Soviet Union disintegrated. But it has recently made a comeback in the name of a Great Reset and other catchwords. In the present contribution, we study this renaissance from two points of view. In a first step, we reconsider Ludwig von Mises’ famous book Socialism, in which he had presented a comprehensive critique of socialist plans one hundred years ago. In a second step, we highlight some of the institutional and intellectual factors that have prompted the renaissance of socialism in the past 30 years.

Keywords: Socialism; interventionism; Welfare State; Great Reset; Build Back Better; philanthropy; religion; Rathenau Delusion; Ludwig von Mises.

JEL: P10; P16; P20; P21; P26; P50; D64; D70; D74; N30.


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2022-03-09 — Updated on 2023-01-03


How to Cite

Guido Hülsmann, J. (2023). ON THE RENAISSANCE OF SOCIALISM. REVISTA PROCESOS DE MERCADO, 18(2), 1–38. https://doi.org/10.52195/pm.v19i2.741 (Original work published March 9, 2022)


