This article aims to study the roots of the thought of the authors of the Austrian School, and the different evolutionary stages that emerged from its foundation. In this sense, roots are highlighted in the pre-Socratic thinkers of Ancient Greece, in the private property defended by Aristotle, in Juan de Mariana and the School of Salamanca, in the contributions of the Irishman
Richard Cantillon, in Physiocracy and French laissez faire, in the Scottish thought of Adam Smith, David Hume and Adam Ferguson and in some authors of the British Classical School that brought together the «first theoretical economists» from the last quarter of the 18th century. In addition, it could stand out with certain chronological parallelism to the classic authors of Political Sciences, who developed a specific literature on the limits to the power and control of Leviathan, nurturing and influencing the writings of political philosophy of Austrian authors. The Austrian tradition, however, emerged as a «School» in Vienna only at the end of the 19th century, generally taking 1871 as the year of its foundation. It reached its maximum splendor between the second and third decade of the 20th century, especially with the contributions of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, although later — between 1940 and 1970 — its main authors fell into isolation. The resurgence of the 1970s gave this School back some prominence, soon after opening a stage of opportunities for modern developments in different fields of study of economics. We conclude the work with some reflections on the current situation of the School, with a greater presence of its followers in universities and also in scientific journals.
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